Tuesday Lab Night
I lead (with Dr. Sterling Nesbitt) a weekly Tuesday Night Lab Night (6:30-8:30pm in Derring 3065A) for undergraduate students to acquire and perfect fossil preparation techniques and anatomical knowledge. Students often become involved in or lead paleobiological research projects as a result of attending these events.

The Stocker Lab
VT Paleobiology & Geobiology

Lab News
I have a wide variety of research opportunities for students! If you are interested, please contact me at stockerm@vt.edu.

Widening Inclusivity in the (Geo)Sciences at Virginia Tech works to increase professional engagement and opportunities in the geosciences. We discuss career development, mentoring and diversity, and the inevitable challenges faced at every level of academia.
We meet monthly and welcome the insights of speakers from Virginia Tech and many other universities. If you are interested in becoming a guest speaker, please email us at:
Global Change
I am an affiliated faculty member in the Global Change Center at VT. In practice, most vertebrate paleontologists are evolutionary biologists focusing on animals that are now extinct, often as a result of a cascade of changes in climate and the ecosystem over deep time. My own research centers on exploring the macroevolutionary patterns and processes of biodiversity. I incorporate critical data from fossil specimens with my research on extant taxa through my fieldwork, which enables me to explore the regional and chronologic differences between and among terrestrial vertebrate assemblages and continental ecosystems over deep time.
I'm very interested in the intersection between science, arts, and technology. The VT Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) is a great place to develop transdisciplinary research ideas, and some of my research has been funded through this group.
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Paleobiology & Geobiology Department of Geosciences
4044 Derring Hall (office 3049)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 USA