GEOS 1054: Age of Dinosaurs
(3 credits) Interactive non-majors Pathways course as an introduction to dinosaur paleontology, including fundamental concepts from biology and geology, with a focus on how modern paleontologists understand Life on Earth. Topics use dinosaurs to explore the scientific method, evolution of the Earth and its surface processes (history, plate tectonics, the rock cycle, geologic time, climate change, erosion), the relationships of animals, how we name them, their anatomy and diversity, the fossil record, and how dinosaurs and other extinct animals are portrayed in the media.
GEOS 4984: Natural History Collections and Curation
(3 credits) Introduction to natural history collections and their management, with a focus on hands-on curation of specimens to learn standard archival practices and principles. Campus collections, including botany (Massey Herbarium, Biological Sciences), vertebrate (FIW), and paleobiology (Geosciences), are used to explore: specimen acquisition and accessioning, collection organization, specimen preparation, collection management databases, metadata, emergency response plans, and crediting collections.
GEOS 4984/5984: Morphology of Vertebrates
(4 credits) Hands-on, specimen-based course identifying skeletal elements from the major groups of vertebrates, including aspects of skeletal functional morphology and shared ancestry, with an emphasis on living taxa. Topics include the skeletal systems of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Course is for upper level undergraduates and graduate students, or by permission of the instructor.
GEOS 6304: Advanced Topics in Paleo
Advanced Analysis of one or more topics in paleontology using the most recent techniques, interpretations, and data. Topics rotate and co-taught with faculty in Paleobiology, Geochemistry, and Sedimentology.